Did you know that the job outlook for computer and IT occupations is expected to grow by 13% over the next decade? Despite the prevalence of these positions, there is still a lot of confusion surrounding these types of occupations.
One common mistake that many people make is thinking that information technology and computer science are the same things.
So, what is the difference between information technology vs. computer science? And which option is best for you?
If you want to learn the answer to these questions and more, you’re in the right place. In this information technology guide, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about these two separate disciplines. Let’s get started!
What Is Computer Science?
You can think of computer science as the process of solving problems using algorithms and mathematics through a computer device. Computer science can be complex.
That’s because you’re not only learning practical programming skills, but also abstract theories. You’re studying computer processes in quite the same way that a biologist would study life.
From those processes, you go on to make new systems and software that can improve people’s lives.
It’s important to note that computer science has many different disciplines. Some popular ones include things like:
- AI (Artificial Intelligence)
- Networks
- Video game design
- Information security
- The interface between humans and computers
- Software design
As you can see, the vast majority of computer science specialists work to update and improve systems over time. However, some are truly revolutionizing the world of tech and bringing science fiction into reality.
What Is Information Technology?
As we mentioned in the last section, computer science specialists create complex systems from scratch. Information technology (or IT) professionals don’t create these systems, but they do work with them.
Specifically, they’re responsible for configuring these systems to fit the needs of a business or organization. IT individuals will interact with different departments to find out the computer-related problems they’re experiencing.
Then, they’ll implement a system and different strategies to make everything run as smoothly as possible. However, information technology professionals’ jobs aren’t done when they introduce the system.
Typically, they’ll also need to take ownership of it. And that means maintaining them over time to ensure that everything is working correctly.
As with computer science, there are many different systems that an IT person might work with. These include:
- Networks
- Software
- Hardware
- Databases
- Servers
- Tools and systems related to a specific industry
You can think of IT jobs as combining computer skills with business skills.
So, while the computer portion isn’t as rigorous as computer science education, you need more diversity in learning in an IT profession.
Information Technology vs. Computer Science: Skills
As we mentioned at the start of the article, many people often conflate IT roles with computer science. They think the overlap of computer-based work means that the skills between the two roles are transferable.
However, this isn’t always the case. Let’s take a closer look at the different traits and skills between the two jobs.
Computer Science
As you can guess, computer science requires advanced programming skills. Specifically, you will need to be fluent in programming languages like C#, Python, XML, C++, Java, and SQL.
You must be capable of understanding both complex math equations and data analytics. It also helps if you’re a detail-oriented person. This will help you keep track of the complex systems.
It also helps if you have a natural fascination with complex machines and a mindset that wants to innovate them. Lastly, you will need basic communication skills.
Many people think that because you’re working behind a desk a lot, you do not need to communicate with others.
However, this is a common computer science misconception. The reality is that you do need these skills, just not as much as most IT roles.
Information Technology
IT roles also require coding and programming skills. However, you’re learning at a more basic level instead of the advanced skills required for computer science.
What’s more important in IT jobs are things like leadership skills, strong interpersonal abilities, and the ability to give presentations without being nervous.
If basic communication skills are required for computer science roles, then you can think of IT as the advanced version. You will need to be able to both write and talk about complex systems in a way that anyone can understand.
In addition to this, you should also know how these complex systems work forward and backward.
Lastly, you need to know about the business processes in whatever sector you’re working for. That way, you can implement technological solutions that can help solve their problems.
Information Technology vs. Computer Science: Jobs
As you can see, both IT and computer science are board disciplines. As such, there are many distinct job roles within both.
That being said, it’s not uncommon for many of these roles and responsibilities to intersect. Below we’ll be going over some of the careers you can expect in both IT and computer science.
Computer Science
There are three main career paths for computer science majors. The first type is a web developer. These individuals are responsible for coding original content that is then put on the web.
Next, there’s a computer system engineer. These individuals make sure that computer systems are all functioning. And, if they’re not, then they troubleshoot them. Lastly, there are computer programmers.
People with these jobs create programs by writing code. These are then implemented into existing computer systems. Some other computer science careers include:
- Computer network architect
- Computer scientist
- Software applications developer
- Computer system analyst
These are just the tip of the iceberg for computer science jobs, so make sure to keep exploring the diverse range of positions.
Information Technology
Many people think that IT departments exist just to troubleshoot computer problems. While this is a component of some jobs, the reality is quite different.
Often, they’re using their expertise in a certain area to solve business problems for different industries. An IT software developer might use their expertise in a certain type of software to help a specific business.
For example, if someone specializes in scheduling software, then they might implement this in a doctor’s office that needs it for scheduling patients. That being said, support is an important component of IT jobs.
An IT support specialist is responsible for maintaining all the systems and hardware within a specific organization. It’s increasingly common to see this role outsourced to different companies.
You can learn more about IT support outsourcing in this article. Because computer systems are getting increasingly specialized, it’s not uncommon to see IT roles break off into these niches. Some examples include:
- Security
- Cloud computing
- Networks
- Databases
- Administrations
Computer science jobs indeed tend to make a little more than IT jobs. However, that’s because education tends to be a bit more intensive.
Can You Switch Between IT Jobs and Computer Science Ones?
It is possible to switch from a computer science job to an information technology one, and vice versa. However, you should make sure that you acquire the skills you need before making the switch.
For example, if you want to change to computer science jobs, then it makes sense to familiarize yourself with popular programming languages like Javascript, CSS, and HTML.
Not sure what types of skills you’ll need for the job you’re interested in? The best thing to do is look up several of the positions on job sites. See what the average job description entails.
Most of them will be quite clear in terms of what they want from their candidates. Then, work on those skills until you feel comfortable enough to apply.
Which One Should You Pick?
Ultimately, this comes down to you and your interests. Do you like solving problems, talking with people, and working closely with businesses? In that case, IT is a good route for you.
Or, do you prefer a more hands-on role when designing the computer systems themselves? In that situation, you should choose computer science.
We will say that computer science majors tend to be a bit more well-rounded than some IT ones.
So if you want more options with your career choices, then it might make sense to study computer science. But, don’t forget that IT concepts can be invaluable as well.
Appreciate Learning About These Two Career Paths? Keep Exploring
We hope this article helped you learn the difference between information technology vs. computer science. As you can see, despite some overlap in skills and education, these two disciplines are quite different from each other.
So, if you’re considering choosing one to study, then you should think long and hard about which one fits your skills and preferences.
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