Natural Tips for Dealing With Dry Skin

Moisturizing is an essential part of keeping your skin healthy, but with so many products on the market it’s hard to know where to start. Unfortunately, many commercial moisturizers on the market today contain harmful chemicals, some of which are carcinogenic, can disrupt your hormones, or irritate your skin. Fortunately, making your own moisturizer at home is safe and easy, and can often be made with ingredients you already have on hand. 

Read on for tips on how to make your very own natural moisturizer at home. 

Why Should You Make Your Own Moisturizer?

Gone are the days when we believed that beauty products must have multiple ingredients to be effective. Aside from the unnecessary complication of this, many of these ingredients contain harmful substances that end up doing more harm than good. Looking healthy is always the first step in looking fashionable. Visit The Trending Man for more tips on men’s current style trends to create a modern, fresh look. 

Natural oils tend to be pure, while over-the-counter products can contain preservatives alongside the actual moisturizing ingredients. A lot of these ingredients provide no benefit for your skin and can actually be irritants for some people. 

Your body naturally produces sebum, which helps to protect the skin from moisture loss. However, everyday actions such as over-washing your hands with abrasive soap strips your hands of it.

Use an Olive Oil Cleanser

Whip up an olive oil cleanser that works as both a moisturizer and cleanser. Simply rub oil on your face and then cover it with a warm and damp cloth until it cools down. Olive oil is a good choice for this treatment as it will clean your face without stripping it of its vital natural oils. 

Use an Oatmeal Soak

Adding oatmeal to your bath may sound a bit strange but it’s an extremely easy and effective way of allowing your skin to absorb and retain more moisture from the bath water. 

Add Your Favorite Oil to Your Bath

Adding your favorite oil to your bath is another great way to keep your skin moisturized. Natural oils are effective at creating a barrier between your skin and restoring moisture levels that are depleted by frequent washing and drying soaps. 

Apart from the more obvious olive and coconut oils, you can also try adding almond, jojoba, or avocado oil to see what works best for you and your skin type. Simply add a few tablespoons of your chosen oil to the running bath water. Soak for a while and then pat your skin dry to avoid removing the oil.

To Sum Up

Keeping your skin moisturized is vital. Many people suffer from dry skin which can be a very unpleasant and uncomfortable experience. Commercial creams and serums are often loaded with unwanted additives, preservatives, and other nasty chemicals that can often do more harm than good for your skin.

Making your own skin treatments at home is simple. Aside from saving you from the unwanted chemicals and potential irritants of commercial products, homemade treatments will be kind to your pocketbook as well.

Categories: Lifestyle


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