How To Reduce Your Stress-Levels at Work

As work and home life have merged into one, the chances of being stressed have increased. Not only has the global pandemic put more stress on our jobs, but the pressure of keeping a job by giving it your all. Though stress is common, the way in which you handle your stress is important to consider.

Let’s take a look at some ways in which you can identify and cope with stress.

Find what relaxes you

When exposed to stress, it is important to have coping mechanisms to support you. You should try a few different strategies to see which suits you best. Here are some that may help:

  • Listening to music
  • Getting up and taking a walk
  • Using CBD oil
  • Having a conversation with a friend or colleague

Though this is not a comprehensive list, these are some of the proven techniques to support stressful situations. When you are able to effectively predict and manage the triggers for your stress, you can overcome them without disrupting your day. This leads us to the next strategy.

Track your stress triggers

Awareness is key here. When you feel yourself getting overwhelmed, it is important to note down the events that have caused the situation. After the period of stress has passed, note down the events that happened before you were stressed, which in turn were triggering factors.

Stress can look and feel different, depending on the factors which cause it. Some people experience heightened levels of stress from overconsumption of caffeine. Others find themselves stressed due to a lack of planning or organization. Whichever your triggers are, awareness of them is a fantastic way to help prevent and overcome them in the future.

Establish boundaries

Having healthy boundaries is important not only in your personal life but for your work-life. It is important to evaluate your working environment and day, to make sure it is working for you. If you’re stressed, consider the following:

  • Are your targets achievable?
  • How much work are you expected to do?
  • Do you end up doing overtime?
  • Is your working life sustainable as it is?

Having realistic expectations from your day is essential. Be realistic with yourself and with your team. Overextending yourself and consistently working overtime is not healthy or conducive to the success of your team. An employee with a healthy work-life balance is more likely to produce a higher quality and quantity of work. Every employer knows this. So reevaluate your circumstances and ensure you have the right balance for yourself.

Get support

Managing stress is important yet difficult. If you are finding it difficult to cope with your stress, you may benefit from additional support. Though this can sound daunting and perhaps overwhelming, getting support doesn’t just have to mean professionally.

Seeking advice and support from your friends and family is a great place to start. Often, when you’re stressed, you may internalize your feelings and distance from your loved ones. This is potentially the worst thing you can do, as your loved ones will most likely agree and support you with your decisions. They are the people that know you well and going to them for support can be extremely reassuring. A problem shared is a problem halved!

If you don’t feel like sharing with family and friends, therapy is also a viable option. Having a therapist is having an impartial set of ears to listen to you and support you through hardship. Professional opinions can really help to show you exactly what is happening in your life and tactics to improve your wellbeing.  

Categories: Lifestyle


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