Mountain biking is one of the most popular recreational hobbies in the United States. Around 10% of Americans own and use a mountain bike. Beyond being fun, biking offers many physical and emotional benefits.
So what are the top four benefits of mountain biking? Read on to learn how this sport can help you get regular exercise and other important health benefits.
1. Mountain Biking Helps Improve Mental Health
One in five Americans has a mental illness, and even those without clinical mental health problems will deal with serious depression issues periodically throughout life.
Most people understand that biking is great for your health. Did you know that it is a great activity for your mental health as well. Exercise is proven reverse symptoms of depression. Exercise releases hormones that aid in mood stabilization.
Many people who mountain bike regularly report feeling boosted energy, improved sleep, and elevated baseline mood.
2. Mountain Biking Can Help Maintain A Healthy Weight
Are you looking to cut some extra weight? One of the best ways to do that may be through mountain bike rentals.
Biking is one of the most efficient aerobic exercises. For every 10 minutes of moderate pace biking, you can expect burn around 100 calories. That’s 300 calories per half hour or 600 calories for one hour of biking!
The actual amount of calories you burn will vary depending on factors like body weight, workout intensity, and the elevation and type of terrain you bike on.
Lowering your body weight can reduce your risk of developing diabetes, heart problems, and a wide range of chronic health problems.
3. Mountain Biking Can Help You Build Muscle
Are you looking to build muscle and strength? Mountain biking can help you get there. Some of the largest muscles in your body are located on your legs.
Over time, mountain biking will help you build larger hamstrings, calves, and quads. Mountain bikers also use core muscles and even upperbody muscles. A steep mountain climb requires strength of the arms, back, and even shoulders.
4. Mountain Biking Can Help Improve Your Balance
Mountain biking is a great way to boost your balance and coordination. Riding a bike reuires that rider use their lower an upper body to control the bike. It challenges your proprioception, sense of body in space.
The skills learned from mountain biking can help you reduce your risk of falling even when you are off your bike. This can be an important benefit for older bike riders.
Learn More Mountain Biking Tips
Besides being fun, mountain biking is a great way to improve your health and mental well-being. There are far more than four benefits to mountain biking, and you can only enjoy those benefits by purchasing a bike and hitting the trail.
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