Winters have already reached. Most of us are experiencing the skin issues already. As cold increases, the skin health examination increases with it. Winter, especially the chilled wind, steals the nourishment from our skin and makes it look dull and dry. If it increases we can suffer the pain on lips and skin. Your skin or lips can bleed because of it. You realize suddenly the correlation between skin health, immunity, and sunlight. Winters are very good for eating and cutting down the physical activity but these have their own consequences. Only a better nourishment can help you to stay healthy. Here are some fruits that help you to stay healthy in winter.
- Grapes: Vitamin C is very important for skin health in the winter. You can take a vitamin c tablet for that but fruits like grapes are a better and natural option for it. This is only only the rich source of vitamin C but also a delicious and juicy option for vitamin C.
- Indian Gooseberry: An excellent source of antioxidants that help you to support the immune system. You can find it in vitamin capsule supplements but it is always best to take it from the natural sources as a fruit. You can make its juice. Maybe you feel it sour but with good amount of herbs, himalyan salt, and honey, it becomes healthier as well as tastier.
- Pears: As eating becomes very natural in the winter season, we end up eating junk and unhealthy foods for keeping our body warm. We also use so many hot beverages like coffee which contains caffeine. And test our body’s health. Large amount of caffeine is not good for health, still we take it for keeping us warm. It is better to enjoy pears on your plate that also supports you for weight loss.
- Oranges: Maybe you are experiencing bleeding lips or dry skin. Use oranges and see the magical effects on your skin and lips. If you take orange juice with vitamin D, you can see many other health benefits.
- Bananas: Maybe you have heard that we humans share almost 50% of our DNA with bananas. That makes it very important for well body functioning. Along with that bananas are great sources of potassium and helps in decreasing the stress and anxiety level in the body. Vitamin B 6 in it helps to build cells that are very important in the winter season as cells weakness at this time due to lack of physical activity.
- Apples: It is an old saying that one apple everyday keeps a doctor far away. This saying is not too far from the reality. If we link it to superfood it would not be an exaggeration. You can consume it with peanut butter for better taste and health as snacks.
As winter is very good for eating, eat with your full consciousness. Avoid junk foods and move toward these fruits which are seasonal and healthier ways to increase your diet. So, why second thought, include each of these fruits in your diet this winter and welcome it with open arms.