What is Bankruptcy?
When you are deeply indebted to creditors, and you believe you have no options left except to work two or three jobs to pay your creditors, you need to know that you do have some superb options to help you clear your debt and give you some breathing room and a fresh start on your path to financial freedom. Your attorney can consult with you on debt consolidation or Bankruptcy.
Maybe it is time to call a skilled bankruptcy attorney, and the question becomes, “Should you hire a lawyer?” Many people shy away from declaring Bankruptcy because this seems like such a complicated and scary path to take. However, it may be your only option if you are deep in debt.
You can make an appointment for a free no-obligation consultation. Let this Bankruptcy Lawyer take a look at your finances to determine if Bankruptcy is the option for you. Bankruptcy may be the way for you to eliminate most debt and realize a fresh start.
Be advised that there are some debts that you cannot declare Bankruptcy on such as,
- Student loans,
- Debts related to death or personal injury by the debtor’s operation of a motor vehicle accident
- Injury from intoxication or drug abuse
- Debts that you forget to list
- Alimony
- Child support
- Unpaid taxes, tax liens, federal, state, and local taxes cannot be discharged, although some taxes may be released if they are old.
- Willful injury to others or property without just cause
What Cause Deep Debt
- Mounting medical bills
- Physical and mental illnesses
- Job loses
- Uninsured medical expenses
- Divorces
- Child support
- Significant, catastrophic life changes
What Can Being in Debt do to You?
Being in debt can cause you many problems with your physical and mental health. Debt causes mood issues and can throw a monkey wrench into any good relationship and add insurmountable stress.
Debt causes minds to wander, decreasing focus, and work productivity at work and at home. Debt leaves its mark on the mental health of many who are indebted. This mark causes mood swings, money arguments, decreased formidable communication, and once stable relationships.
The mark that indebtedness leaves can be the divorce of once stable marriages, child abuse, family breakdown, child behaviors, and school issues that can carry the child well into adult years.
Being in debt and not paying creditors causes never-ending harassment of phone calls and threatening letters by creditors. Creditor threats is a scary thing for many consumers.
Debt can cause repossession of property, such as cars that only add to the debt equation. When you cannot get to work, you are at high risk of losing your job. If you are already in debt, losing your job makes a bad situation an impossible situation with no answers.
Getting a letter from a mortgage company regarding being at high risk of losing your home due to foreclosure is another scary thing for a homeowner. Your attorney can help you with this possible foreclosure issue. However, no skilled attorney can help you unless you give their firm a call regarding Bankruptcy assistance.
Bankruptcy Options
This Bankruptcy Lawyer offers you a free no-obligation consultation. There is no risk to you for free information from a skilled and experienced Bankruptcy attorney. It never hurts you to call this attorney for a free no-obligation consultation to determine if this is the pathway you need to take to get a fresh start.
Your Bankruptcy attorney explains the two options available to you if you decide to file a claim—your attorney details Chapter 7 and Chapter 13.
Bankruptcy is meant to reorganize your finances, perform a debt settlement, negotiate with creditors, and defend foreclosures and repossessions. You need help with the stopping of garnishments, utility shut-offs, lawsuits, and bank attachments. There are many specifics involved which must be handled by a skilled Bankruptcy Attorney.
Services of the Skilled Bankruptcy Attorney
The skilled attorney advises you to file Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 options. Your attorney looks at your mortgage and may recommend you to seek a loan modification to decrease monthly payments and interest rates. A mortgage remodification is an excellent option because the mortgage lender must offer a revision if you ask, and there are no fees to remodify a mortgage loan.
An attorney is available with options for the self-employed who are struggling with a business for many different reasons. Tax debt hits companies and private citizens and could be discharged when filing Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. It would be best to have your attorney’s expertise to navigate the tax system for the best results.
Bankruptcy Attorney Provides Skilled Services in Other Similar Areas
Alimony payments and child support can be set so high that you cannot pay your other bills. While child support is vital, you must have some money left to live on and pay your bills. Our attorneys can help you with these issues.
Creditors’ have rights, and your attorney can help you understand these rights and your rights as a consumer when filing Bankruptcy.
Student loan debt is one debt that cannot be included in Bankruptcy except is some options. Student loan entities have options to help you through Bankruptcy and you are wise to speak with your student loan servicers. Your attorney can guide and direct you. Other services of this attorney include the following.
- Stop lawsuits and collection activity.
- Find out the differences in filing joint or individual Bankruptcy.
- What can you keep when filing Bankruptcy?
- What are the alternatives to Bankruptcy?
In the end, your bankruptcy attorney can help you eliminate all your dischargeable debt. This option allows you a fresh financial start, putting you on a healthy and debt-free life. Call today to find out if Bankruptcy is the financial path for you.