How to

Woven Patches Preserves Your Design Ingenuity.

Are you ready to boost the reputation of your brand? Look no more, woven patches are the way to go.

There are many types of clothing labels but woven patches stand out as a popular favourite for many designers as it allows designs to retain maximum amount of style and an originality close to the prototype. A good woven patch ensures that every possible detail is captured, giving each customer a solution that will work for them.

Woven patches are different from embroidery patches, although people tend to mistake one for the other and it is not like print patches which use the simple print method.  In a woven patch, the designs are woven onto the surface in a neat manner which brings about a fashionable label with accurate details. 

These patches are made with polyester threads. Let’s get into the advantages of using woven patches for your garments but before that what are the differences between embroidery and woven patches? 

Knowing the difference between these two will save you from making the wrong purchase decision. 

  • Flexibility: Woven patches are made with thinner threads, hence they do not create a bulky feeling on the garment. Embroidered patches on the other hand are not as versatile.
  • Details: Embroidery patches usually give a 3 dimensional look but this is not a problem if your patch does not have too many details but a woven patch will bring out all detail.
  • Appearance: woven patches are flatter than embroidery patches because of the thinner threads used in the former.

Advantages of Woven Patches.

  • Preserves your design ingenuity: regardless of how complicated the prototype design may seem, woven patches will bring out all the details.
  • Woven patches are dynamic, they are suitable for any type of clothe, hats, shirts, jackets, and bags. Because it is made with thin polyester threads, it gives a smooth feeling. According to a trusted source, the tight braided wire can bear enough abrasion even for a long period of use. When you order a woven patch, you can add an inlaid border to avoid abrasion; it will have the function of protection.
  • Colour preservation: Unlike its embroidery counterpart that gives a 3 colour dimension, woven patches preserves all the colour gradients in your original prototype. Regardless of the amount of colour mixes, woven patches will preserve them as much as possible.
  • It removes the limitation on designs: you are at liberty to choose any colour mix, shape, styles and other details to make your design to your taste with woven patches.
  • Authenticity: woven patches reproduce your design without too much deviation from the original.
  • Clear, legible lettering: It is observed in embroidered patches that small sized letterings lose their legibility but this is not the case in woven patches. For brand logos, contact information, or a motto, woven patches provide the detail required.

These are some of the advantages to using woven patches in your clothing business.

Kyle Baxter

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