4 Significant Reasons to Maintain a Clean Air Filter

The air filter within your central heat and air system may not seem like it does much, and it might be easy to forget about when life gets busy. However, your air filter needs to be checked on at least once a month. Air filters help to remove dirt and allergens from the air inside of your home as it circulates through your CHA system. It is important to keep your CHA safe, your home clean, and your family healthy!

Keeping Allergens at Bay

Unfortunately, allergies are a common health issue in many homes and families. One of the most preventable triggers is a dirty residential air filter. When the filter is left to continue to build up dirt, it will not filter the air as well. It could also develop tears and holes, which allows allergens to be recirculated inside of the home.

Preventing Damage to the CHA System

For the health of the central heat and air system, the filter must be changed on a regular basis. Changing it out once a month will not only keep your home cleaner, but it will keep you from having serious mechanical problems with your unit in the future. Dirty filters keep air from passing through the system, making it work harder in order to suck up the air it is trying to pump out. Should a hole develop, large dust bunnies and foreign items may make their way into the system.

Reducing Dust within the Home

Over time, dust and dirt will settle on everything. The eternal war waged against dust with Swiffers, feather dusters, and cleaners can be made a bit easier though. The biggest job the filter has is to keep dust, hair, and dirt out of your home’s environment. As the air circulates through the home, it makes its way back to the vent; carrying lots of funky dirt.

Keeping Pet Dander & Fur Low

Everyone hates finding fur on everything. Special filters are meant to not only catch hair but pet dander as well. Some allergies are triggered by the hair and fine dander particles. Hair is dust’s best friend, making it even more important to buy a quality filter.

Ultimately, the two-minute process of switching the air filter in a home is crucial. It is wise to check the filter twice a month if there are several pets in the home as well. Keeping allergies, dirt, and dust at bay are just a few benefits of keeping your CHA system well maintained.

Categories: Health


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