Tea is undoubtedly the second most favorite beverage in this world after water. A large part of the total population loves to drink tea several times a day. There are a lot of varieties of tea across the world and everyone loves to drink their specific favorite tea. If you want to know the reason why tea is people’s favorite beverage, you’ll find that it is great in taste, gives refreshments, and has many other health benefits. When it comes to health benefits, everyone prefers Green tea because it’s the most nutritious tea in the world (as per reports).
Green tea comes from the Camellia Sinensis plant and it contains a lot of antioxidants and beneficial polyphenols, as it is one of the least processed tea. You can also check out calories and nutrition facts of twisted tea. Go ahead to see the health benefits os green tea.
Health Benefits
According to studies, Green tea aids our body in weight loss, improve heart and mental health, regulate body temperature, boost immunity, heal wounds, aid digestion, and helps to cure many other diseases.
Here are a few health issues in which Green tea can be beneficial:-
- Cancer Prevention
Green tea is rich in polyphenols which is a natural compound that helps our body to fight cancer and reduce inflammation. Researchers say that people, who drink Green tea regularly, have lower chances to get cancer. Green tea has a positive impact on these types of cancer:
- Breast Cancer
- Skin Cancer
- Lung Cancer
- Stomach Cancer
- Prostate Cancer
- Bladder Cancer
- Ovarian Cancer
- Weight Loss
Although Green Tea does not affect the weight loss process directly, it can help by boosting metabolism. Consumption of Green tea increases calorie burn rate in our body, so if you are doing workouts and having Green tea; it may help in weight loss. But if you are having a high-calorie diet, then Green tea is not going to help you find any significant changes (reduction) in your body weight.
- Cholesterol Control
A few studies indicate that consuming Green tea can reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
- Reduce Stroke Risk
Drinking Green tea regularly may help in reducing the risk of stroke. Studies show that the consumption of green tea has a little positive impact on stroke risk.
- Brain Health
Green tea may also help your brain work smoothly. Green tea has bio-active compounds that may protect our brain from slowing down as we age and it reduces the risk of dementia and Parkinson’s disease. Green tea has low-caffeine content compared to other teas but it is enough to keep you alert.
- Reduce Bad Breath
It is a topic of debate because it is tested in the lab that the catechins, available in green tea reduce the growth of oral bacteria which is responsible for bad breath. But there is no evidence that drinking green tea may reduce bad breath as there are no significant changes found in its support.
- Heart Health
Green tea is the best beverage if you are a patient with heart disease or concerned about it. Green tea may reduce the chances of death due to cardiovascular diseases. It may lower blood pressure, and decrease inflammation.
- Prevent Type 2 Diabetes
Studies show that green tea consumption may reduce the chances of having Type 2 diabetes. Normally Type 2 diabetes involves high blood sugar levels caused by insulin resistance. Green tea may reduce blood sugar levels and it is found that people, who drink green tea regularly have less chance of suffering from type 2 diabetes.
- Reduce Anxiety level
There is very little research about it, but as studies say Green tea can reduce your anxiety level and can make you calm, and composed.
- Long Life Span
As Green tea prevents us from a lot of diseases most importantly cancer and cardiovascular diseases; it is very possible that a person who drinks green tea regularly may have a long life span.