It seems like everyone is tightening their belts a little in this economy. No matter how much you scrimp and save, you might find that you want to make a few extra dollars to pay the necessary bills, or you might want to save that money for your summer vacation. No matter why you need the cash, you can try a few simple ways to make money.
Online Ads
Did you know that you can make money online just by becoming an affiliate? An affiliate is someone who sells products from another company. Amazon offers an affiliate program that lets you run ads on different blogs and websites, and you earn money when people use your links to buy products. Amazon feeds make good money, and you’ll even make money if someone uses your links to buy a product other than the one you advertise.
Host a Yard Sale
Kids grow like weeds, and you probably don’t know what to do with the toys and clothing that your kids no longer need. Hosting a yard sale can put a few extra dollars in your pocket, and you might even make more than you need. Make sure that you advertise your yard sale online and with carefully placed signs around your neighborhood to draw in customers.
Sell Online
Not everyone lives in an area where yard sales are possible. If you live in a rural community or on a busy street where parking isn’t readily available, sell your yard sale items online. You can easily sell clothing that your kids outgrew by bundling different pieces together. You might sell a lot of six shirts or bundle clothing to make different outfits. With websites like Craigslist and eBay, you can sell items at a fixed price or run an auction.
Create a Blog
When you love a specific subject, why not make money by writing about that topic? You’ll find dozens of companies looking for people to blog on the topic of parenting, pregnancy and raising young children, but you also have the option of starting your own blog. Free sites let you upload pictures, write blogs, review different products and keep track of your followers and readers. You can earn money by running affiliate ads from different companies, or you can make money by selling ad space on your blog. Once you gain some readers and start seeing your daily readers rise, you’ll start earning more than just a few dollars.
The old adage says that you need to spend money to make money but that isn’t necessarily true. With a good idea and the right products, you can make a few extra dollars or more every month. With yard sales, online tools, websites, and ad programs, you can make money online or off.